Few years back, I was part of a near death experience - "my own".. and few years later I was part of a near death experience.. again - my own (again!)..

That really doesn't work when you're face-down with the very thing (it) and you are actually near-verge to piercing the veil. The other side!!
IN my state of utmost sobriety, I do now recall the stench of decomposing Lager through my flared nostrils and everywhere inside the cursed ALTO car which was actually supposed to be a ticket to unlimited fun till break of dawn. (A most successful con from the then Ed - Gops Acharya)
Khandu, my pilot of doom, and crazy me riding shotgun to our near demise.
The ride was smooth all throughout the familiar Thimphu highway until we tread grounds through to Bjemina. With minimal cruise control absent to our deep fried Medula oblongatas, our systems were pumping high and glorious on all things brewed everywhere and nowhere.. you name it.

A very elusive thud puts the staggering motor to a cease-fire, and there is a dark, dreary silence inside the ale-infested vehicle.
I lift my now, 20 ton-head with bravado risking only the consequence of tilting bile upon beer therefore causing a most vile explosion from my mouth. Well that's what I thought, 'cause what lay beneath us was our watery death (and that's a literal).
Imagining the almost 300 feet drop-zone, which would have taken us 'swimming with the fishes' (no joke there) maybe way, way until Wangdiphodrang bridge, I still get the shivers... heinous heebie-jeebies..
A single line of barbed wire fencing pulled us back from our well deserved curtain call. Man! what a way to go and what a stupid DEATH! (it would HAVE been), if not for the actually mediocre-job-of-a-fencing, gracious acknowledgement of course also goes to the truncated pine fences.
Roll credits and Good night!
Don't wanna think about it for ever, and ever, and ever, after this piece is lost to me..

... .... .....
Never mind the arrow, shot in the dark. I'm just hoping it hits- some bull's eye.
So..ummm.. no answers from my side.
Hey, I'd tell you of my other near-death experiences but Its really getting old.. and I never die in those narratives.. SO spare you the torture.. hhahaaahha..
BUT them's all true stories huh!
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